About Pet Adventures

Written by Brooke Renna

Pet Adventures, AKA “How can this pet rock get me items?”

Found in the “Pets” tab, under “Adventures”, pet adventures allow you to send your pets out to gather gold, xp, equipment and other rare items. Up to 3 pets can be sent on one adventure, with more rewards gained for sending multiple pets. Note that your current active pet can be sent on adventures, and this will have no effect on it’s regular actions such as assisting in battle or gaining xp.

All players have a base of 3 Pet Adventures available at one time, and more slots can be gained from certain achievements, by spending ILP, or by having a higher Donator tier.

All varieties of pet adventure can have 5 different lengths; 2, 4, 8, 16, or 24 hours with 8 hours being the most common. A longer adventure will also give a greater chance of more rare rewards. This time starts when you send your pet(s) off on their adventure, and counts down even when offline. Once the time is up, the adventure can be completed by clicking on the “Collect Rewards” button, and the rewards will be displayed. All pets that were on the adventure will now be free to be sent on another.

Pet adventures come in 8 varieties, with different rewards depending on the type chosen:

Name Possible Rewards
Training Adventure - Pet and Player XP, Gold
- Very Rare chance for full Pet or Player Levels
Trip to the Merchant Guild - Gold and Items
- Rare chance for Buff or Teleport Scrolls
Guardian Hunt
Note: Stronger pets may perform better in this adventure
- Pet and Player XP, Gold
- Very Rare chance for full Pet and Player Levels
- Rare chance for Boss drop Items or Collectibles
Time Travel Adventure (Rare)
Available after first ascension
- Pet and Player XP, Gold
- Rare chance for full Pet and Player Levels
- Very Rare chance for collectibles found on previous ascensions
Magical Item Search (Rare) - Pet and Player XP, Gold
- Rare chance for Buff or Teleport Scrolls
Pet Enhancement Material Search - Pet XP
- Rare chance for Coloured Crystals
- Very Rare chance for Astral Crystals
- Very Rare chance for Coloured Souls
Idle Adventure - Pet and Player XP
- Very Rare chance for Coloured Crystals
- Rare chance for Buff or Teleport Scrolls or Items
Graverobbing the Adventurers Graveyard - Pet and Player XP
- Rare chance for Items
- Very Rare chance for Valuable Items

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